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KMID : 0359019840040010035
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1984 Volume.4 No. 1 p.35 ~ p.39
Endoscopic Diagnosis of Colonic Tuberculosis
Eung-Bum Park
Tuberculosia of the colon, beeause of its vague manifestations, continue to be a diagnostic chalenge. Numerous retrospective series even in this country have appeared describing the diffieulty with this diagnosis is made. Most often, patients have undergone Barium Enema studies for non-specfic abdominal pain and have been found constricting leeions or ulcerations which cluld not be further defined without surgical confirmation. I deseribe here in 21 eases of coionic tubereulosis or suspieious colonic tuberculosis by Barium Enema studies I performed colonascopic diagnosis. Clinical analysis of the 21 caees were made and presented the importanee of the calonoscopic diagnosis and its biopsy for the increase of the detection rate for colonic tuberculosis without surgery.
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